We are a team of professional and skilled experts in all domestic spheres. We offer a wide range of services and at the same time we are always glad to help you with any unconventional household needs:
We work to ensure people’s comfort at their home, and to provide the best and the fastest help at fair prices. We stand for quality, safety and credibility, so you could be sure about our work. Initially we started as a company specializing in household maintenance. During our successful work we expanded our list of services. Now we are proud that we can help people with welding, moving, dry cleaning, landscaping and even pest control. Every member of our team is indeed good at his job and the company guarantees the quality of work.

Es muy amigable, así que aunque seamos principiantes no me costo trabajo cumplir con las meditaciones.
// Programa Meditación 101 //
El tratar de vivir el aquí y el ahora y tratar de no voltear tanto al pasado que duele y verlo más como un aprendizaje.
// Programa Meditación 101 //
Me enseño una forma diferente de meditar, yo buscaba meditaciones en internet, pero con el taller pude hacerlo de una mejor forma, mas comprometida. No logre hacerlo diario y cumplir con todos los objetivos, pero me acercó un poco a controlar mi día a día; a des-acelerarme, a minimizar mis ansiedades.
// Programa Meditación 101 //